🧠Advanced Custom Components Tic-Tac-Toe Game This tutorial walks you through creating a Tic Tac Toe game using React and the react-agents library.
In this guide, we'll build an interactive CLI-style game where a user can play against a simple AI agent.
This tutorial is inspired by React's official Tic Tac Toe example. Follow along here !
Install the Upstreet SDK using usdk create
Navigate to the agent.tsx
You will find a pre-built MyAgent
component like that.
export default function MyAgent () {
return (
< Agent >
</ Agent >
import React, { useState } from "react" ;
import { Agent, Prompt, Action } from "react-agents" ;
import { z } from "zod" ;
Let's break down these imports:
and useState
: Core React library and state management hook
, Prompt
, Action
: Components from react-agents
for creating interactive agents
: Zod library for schema validation and type checking
Now create a component named TicTacToeCLI
and set your states using useState
const TicTacToeCLI = () => {
const initialBoard = {
a: [ "." , "." , "." ],
b: [ "." , "." , "." ],
c: [ "." , "." , "." ],
const [ board , setBoard ] = useState (initialBoard);
const [ currentPlayer , setCurrentPlayer ] = useState ( "x" );
return (
We define two key states:
: Represents the game board using a 3x3 grid
: Tracks whose turn it is ("x" for user, "o" for agent)
The renderBoard()
function converts the board state into a CLI-style string representation:
const renderBoard = () => {
const header = " 1 2 3" ;
const rows = Object. entries (board)
. map (([ row , values ]) => `${ row } ${ values . join ( " | " ) }` )
. join ( " \n " );
return `${ header } \n ${ rows }` ;
The checkWinner()
implements game-ending condition checks:
const checkWinner = ( currentBoard ) => {
// Check rows
for ( const row of Object. keys (currentBoard)) {
if (
currentBoard[row][ 0 ] !== "." &&
currentBoard[row][ 0 ] === currentBoard[row][ 1 ] &&
currentBoard[row][ 1 ] === currentBoard[row][ 2 ]
) {
return currentBoard[row][ 0 ];
// Check columns
for ( let col = 0 ; col < 3 ; col ++ ) {
if (
currentBoard.a[col] !== "." &&
currentBoard.a[col] === currentBoard.b[col] &&
currentBoard.b[col] === currentBoard.c[col]
) {
return currentBoard.a[col];
// Check diagonals
if (
currentBoard.a[ 0 ] !== "." &&
currentBoard.a[ 0 ] === currentBoard.b[ 1 ] &&
currentBoard.b[ 1 ] === currentBoard.c[ 2 ]
) {
return currentBoard.a[ 0 ];
if (
currentBoard.a[ 2 ] !== "." &&
currentBoard.a[ 2 ] === currentBoard.b[ 1 ] &&
currentBoard.b[ 1 ] === currentBoard.c[ 0 ]
) {
return currentBoard.a[ 2 ];
// Check for draw
const isDraw = Object. values (currentBoard). every ( row =>
row. every ( cell => cell !== "." )
return isDraw ? "draw" : null ;
Iterates through each row
Ensures first cell is not empty
Verifies all cells in the row are identical
Checks each column vertically
Similar logic to row check
Uses fixed column index across rows
Main diagonal (top-left to bottom-right)
Anti-diagonal (top-right to bottom-left)
Checks for matching symbols across diagonal
Checks if all cells are filled
Returns "draw" if no empty cells remain
The makeMove()
handles the overall working of the game like input validation and switching player etc:
const makeMove = ( row , col , player ) => {
// Validate input
if ( ! [ "a" , "b" , "c" ]. includes (row) || col < 0 || col > 2 ) {
console. log ( "Invalid move! Please choose a valid row (a, b, c) and column (1, 2, 3)." );
return false ;
// Check if cell is already occupied
if (board[row][col] !== "." ) {
console. log ( "Invalid move! Cell already occupied." );
return false ;
// Create a copy of the board and update it
const updatedBoard = { ... board };
updatedBoard[row][col] = player;
// Check for winner or draw
const result = checkWinner (updatedBoard);
// Update board and player
setBoard (updatedBoard);
setCurrentPlayer (player === "x" ? "o" : "x" );
// Handle game result
if (result) {
if (result === "draw" ) {
console. log ( "The game is a draw!" );
} else {
console. log ( `Player ${ result } wins!` );
return true ;
Checks row is valid ("a", "b", "c")
Ensures column is within 0-2 range
Prevents overwriting non-empty cells
Creates a copy of current board
Marks cell with current player's symbol
Calls checkWinner to detect game-ending conditions
Determines win, draw, or ongoing game
Updates board state
Switches current player
Logs game outcome if applicable
Give agent a customized Prompt
< Prompt >
The user and agent are playing Tic Tac Toe.
The current player is {currentPlayer}. The current board is:
{ ` \n ${ renderBoard () }` }
</ Prompt >
Add the Action
component to define the specific action our agent will be performing
< Action
name = "makeMove"
description = "Make a move for the current player."
schema = {z. object ({
row: z. string (), // Row must be a string (e.g., "a", "b", "c")
col: z. number (), // Column must be a number (1, 2, 3)
player: z. string (). optional (), // Optional, determines the player ("user" or "agent")
handler = {( event ) => {
const { message } = event.data;
const { args } = message;
const { row , col , player } = args;
if (player === "agent" ) {
// Agent's move logic
for ( const row of Object. keys (board)) {
for ( let col = 0 ; col < 3 ; col ++ ) {
if (board[row][col] === "." ) {
makeMove (row, col, "o" ); // Force "O" for the agent
console. log ( "Agent made its move." );
console. log ( renderBoard ());
return ;
console. log ( "Game over! No moves left." );
else {
// User's move logic
const adjustedCol = col - 1 ; // Adjust column index to 0-based
if ( makeMove (row, adjustedCol, "x" )) { // User always marks with "X"
console. log ( renderBoard ());
event. commit (); // Mark the action as completed
Uses Zod for type and schema validation
Ensures type safety for move inputs
Allows optional player specification
Differentiates between user and agent moves
Agent uses simple first-empty-cell strategy
Adjusts column index for 0-based array
Commits action after move completion
Agent: Finds first available cell
User: Explicitly specified move
The final state of TicTacToeCLI
look like this.
import React, { useState } from "react" ;
import { Agent, Prompt, Action } from "react-agents" ;
import { z } from "zod" ;
export const TicTacToeCLI = () => {
// Board initialization
const initialBoard = {
a: [ "." , "." , "." ],
b: [ "." , "." , "." ],
c: [ "." , "." , "." ],
const [ board , setBoard ] = useState (initialBoard);
const [ currentPlayer , setCurrentPlayer ] = useState ( "x" );
// Function to render the board in CLI
const renderBoard = () => {
const header = " 1 2 3" ;
const rows = Object. entries (board)
. map (([ row , values ]) => `${ row } ${ values . join ( " | " ) }` )
. join ( " \n " );
return `${ header } \n ${ rows }` ;
// Function to check for a winner
const checkWinner = ( currentBoard ) => {
// Check rows
for ( const row of Object. keys (currentBoard)) {
if (
currentBoard[row][ 0 ] !== "." &&
currentBoard[row][ 0 ] === currentBoard[row][ 1 ] &&
currentBoard[row][ 1 ] === currentBoard[row][ 2 ]
) {
return currentBoard[row][ 0 ];
// Check columns
for ( let col = 0 ; col < 3 ; col ++ ) {
if (
currentBoard.a[col] !== "." &&
currentBoard.a[col] === currentBoard.b[col] &&
currentBoard.b[col] === currentBoard.c[col]
) {
return currentBoard.a[col];
// Check diagonals
if (
currentBoard.a[ 0 ] !== "." &&
currentBoard.a[ 0 ] === currentBoard.b[ 1 ] &&
currentBoard.b[ 1 ] === currentBoard.c[ 2 ]
) {
return currentBoard.a[ 0 ];
if (
currentBoard.a[ 2 ] !== "." &&
currentBoard.a[ 2 ] === currentBoard.b[ 1 ] &&
currentBoard.b[ 1 ] === currentBoard.c[ 0 ]
) {
return currentBoard.a[ 2 ];
// Check for draw
const isDraw = Object. values (currentBoard). every ( row =>
row. every ( cell => cell !== "." )
return isDraw ? "draw" : null ;
const makeMove = ( row , col , player ) => {
// Validate input
if ( ! [ "a" , "b" , "c" ]. includes (row) || col < 0 || col > 2 ) {
console. log ( "Invalid move! Please choose a valid row (a, b, c) and column (1, 2, 3)." );
return false ;
// Check if cell is already occupied
if (board[row][col] !== "." ) {
console. log ( "Invalid move! Cell already occupied." );
return false ;
// Create a copy of the board and update it
const updatedBoard = { ... board };
updatedBoard[row][col] = player;
// Check for winner or draw
const result = checkWinner (updatedBoard);
// Update board and player
setBoard (updatedBoard);
setCurrentPlayer (player === "x" ? "o" : "x" );
// Handle game result
if (result) {
if (result === "draw" ) {
console. log ( "The game is a draw!" );
} else {
console. log ( `Player ${ result } wins!` );
return true ;
return (
< Prompt >
The user and agent are playing Tic Tac Toe.
The current player is {currentPlayer}. The current board is:
{ ` \n ${ renderBoard () }` }
</ Prompt >
< Action
name = "makeMove"
description = "Make a move for the current player."
schema = {z. object ({
row: z. string (), // Row must be a string (e.g., "a", "b", "c")
col: z. number (), // Column must be a number (1, 2, 3)
player: z. string (). optional (), // Optional, determines the player ("user" or "agent")
handler = {( event ) => {
const { message } = event.data;
const { args } = message;
const { row , col , player } = args;
if (player === "agent" ) {
// Agent's move logic
for ( const row of Object. keys (board)) {
for ( let col = 0 ; col < 3 ; col ++ ) {
if (board[row][col] === "." ) {
makeMove (row, col, "o" ); // Force "O" for the agent
console. log ( "Agent made its move." );
console. log ( renderBoard ());
return ;
console. log ( "Game over! No moves left." );
else {
// User's move logic
const adjustedCol = col - 1 ; // Adjust column index to 0-based
if ( makeMove (row, adjustedCol, "x" )) { // User always marks with "X"
console. log ( renderBoard ());
event. commit (); // Mark the action as completed
export default function MyAgent () {
return (
< Agent >
< TicTacToeCLI />
</ Agent >
Run usdk chat
in the terminal to test the agent.
Give the below prompt
I want to play Tic Tac Toe game?
It will give a response like this
Alright [Your Name], Let's have some fun! You're X, and it's your turn to start. Pick your spot by specifying the position like 'a1', 'b2', etc. The grid is ready for your move:
The game will be presented like this:
1 | 2 | 3
a . | . | .
b . | . | .
c . | . | .